Thursday, May 20, 2010

Are Your Kids Being Poisoned?

Parents are being warned to be very thorough in washing fruits and vegetables. A new study by the Harvard School of Public Health indicates pesticides could mean high risk of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Let Us Spray

Before it’s too late
Dump organ phosphates.
They’re doing more harm than you see.
They’re in pesticides
Sprayed on our kids’ food,
And come out whenever they pee.

A new medical find
Explains A-D-D
That makes those young minds go astray.
It’s poison that’s pumped
On the food that they eat.
It goes down their throats from that spray.

You just might consider
A change in their diets
To keep tainted food from their mugs.
Instead of their favorite
Fruits and sprayed produce,
Let the kids pig out on the bugs.

© 2010 Jim Gordon

1 comment:

  1. Another reason to buy organic. Most ppl don't think about what goes on because they don't see it. If you stood and watched someone spray Raid on an apple you were just about to eat, would you then eat it??? Doubtful right?

    There are of course many other problems with spraying our food: Cancer being just one that comes to mind. If it kills the bugs which are living breathing organisms, why wouldn't it do the same to us?
