Monday, September 20, 2010

Senate Candidate O’Donnell Twiddled With Witchcraft

Christine O’Donnell says she attended a satanic altar with a witch. The Delaware Republican, backed by the Tea Party, made her comments on a television show about 10 years ago. O’Donnell is also being accused of using campaign funds for her personal expenses.

Crafting A Campaign

Christine is feeling rather hale and hearty
Running for office with the new Tea Party.
Now, out of the blue, there comes a glitch:
A report that Chris said she dated a witch.
She hopes as a candidate she won’t falter
In light of her trip to a Satanic altar.
On top of all that, she’s being accused
(And those pointing the finger are less than amused)
Of creating what amounts to a fiscal perk
Because, as it happens, she’s out of work.
A citizen’s group which is known as CREW
Is asking the state to see it it’s true
That she’s running for office with nary a cent
To use contributions to pay her rent.

©  2010  Jim Gordon

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