Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tiger's Attorneys Call Out for PETA

Tiger Woods' attorneys have stopped PETA's plans to launch a billboard advertising campaign using the golfer's likeness in their spay-and-neuter campaign. The group was reminded that it was not authorized to use Woods' likeness in their advertising. The animal rights group has turned its attention to South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. They've changed the copy to read "Your dog doesn't have to go to South America to get laid."

Pet Peeves

The PETA folks sure have a handle
On how to deal with one's sex scandal.
Those folks who love your dog and horse
Would have one Tiger Woods endorse
All efforts to keep your dear pets chaste,
Ignoring, of course, the question of "taste."

Their billboard showing us Tiger's face
Is how they'd like to press the case
For their ever-popular crusade
To ensure your dogs and cats are spayed.

They can't see why the man's offended -
But their efforts now, it seems, have ended.
They've decided now they'd best abort -
Or face the Tiger, next, in court.

Mark Sanford's next in PETA's sights,
In it's campaign for our pets' rights.
It alludes to his clandestine journeys -
While waiting to hear from Mark's attorneys.

Copyright 2010 Jim Gordon

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