Sunday, August 5, 2012

Harry Reid accused of lying

Top Republican leaders say Democrat Harry Reid is lying when he passes along a claim that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes for 10 years. Romney, meantime, has refused to release more than one year of tax returns. He feels his critics would distort the information and use it against him.

A Taxing Question

The GOP says
That Harry is fibbing
As he attacks Mr. Romney
And gives him a ribbing.

Chairman Reince Priebus
Calls Harry a liar;
And appears to be ready
To hold his feet to the fire.

The democrats say
Mitt should keep his composure
And simply release
His full tax disclosure.

But Romney says ‘no’,
He’ll just give a portion,
For fear that his foes
Will cause a distortion.

But opponents insist
There’s no sinister plot;
They just want to see
How much money he’s got.

  ©  2012  Jim Gordon

1 comment:

  1. John Stewart showed a clip of Romney saying he has $780 Billion.
