Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pope Fires Australian Bishop

The Vatican has announced tat Bishop William Morris or Brisbane has been "removed from pastoral care." The action came after the bishop called on the church to consider ordaining women and married men.  Morris had made his suggestion because of the current shortage of Roman Catholic priests.

                Status Quo

Bishop Morris from way down under
May have been guilty of a bit of a blunder,
When he spoke out on a slippery slope.
The bishop's suggestion that ladies be priests,
Has prompted the man's rather quick release;
He's now been fired by his boss, the Pope.
To be sure, despite the current dearth,
There simply is no way on earth
To alter long-standing and ancient details.
It might behoove others to beware:
The ladies simply have no prayer.
The priestly life is reserved for males.

©  2011  Jim Gordon

1 comment:

  1. Amen, amen, I say to you.
    I do appreciate this timely view.
    In spite of Ben's myopic stance
    At some point the ladies will get their chance.
