Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Abdominal Fat Can Be Fatal

Research on the dangers of abdominal far lead experts to say adults with the biggest waistlines face twice the risk of dying than those with slimmer stomachs. Obesity expert Dr. Samuel Klein says belly fat can be overcome by consuming fewer calories and burning off those we consume by such exercise as walking.

Waist-ing Away

The fat that causes the bulge in one's belly
Can do more than give one simply shortness of breath.
Besides moving around like a bowlful of jelly,
For older adults it can mean certain death.

But all is not lost, so be of good cheer;
There's a way to get rid of that protruding gut;
Cut down on those calories in your food and your beer
And make it a point to get up off your butt.

©  2010  Jim Gordon

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