Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Candidates face off in second debate

President Obama and Mitt Romney let the sparks fly on their second encounter before the voting public. They faced off on topics ranging from the economy to women’s rights, and immigration.

          Thoughts of one debated at

I’m sitting here engrossed in all the drama
Between Mitt Romney and my president, Obama.
One seems a heavy weight, the other light
One’s considered left, the other, right.
But none of this is what will get my vote.
No, common sense is really all she wrote.
I sit and listen to each candidate erupt;
But my vote’s for him who doesn’t interrupt.

  ©  2012  Jim Gordon

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pakistani girl in England for medical treatment

British doctors are treating a Pakistani teenager who was shot in the head by members of the Taliban.  Militants vow to kill the girl because of her vocal promotion of education for girls.

                 Time to Heal

The co-ed teenager from Pakistan,
Protected from those of the Taliban,
Is in the UK for medical care,
Guarded by those who took the girl there.

The Taliban says it's simply not fooling
In its opposition of all of that schooling
For women it feels should cover their faces,
Do what their told, and stay in their places.

©  2012  Jim Gordon

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Biden and Ryan vie in Danville

The vice-presidential candidates are in Kentucky for their only debate in preparation for election day.

               Mates Debate

American voters continue to wait
As Biden and Ryan prepare to debate
And do what they can to guide the direction
Of how votes will be cast in next month’s election.
The pundits will judge how each man comes across
As each does what he can to win for the boss.

  ©  2012  Jim Gordon

Friday, October 5, 2012

Romney comes out fighting

President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney went one on one in their first of three debates. They faced off for 90 minutes over the future of the economy, tax cuts, education, and health care.


Romney and Obama
Debated face to face,
On why each man’s a winner
In the Presidential Race.

They touched on matters fiscal
As well as people’s health;
And argued over how each one
Would tax the voters’ wealth.

The two will meet twice more, though,
And we’ll listen as they feed us
Reasons to decide on
Who we want to lead us.

  ©  2012  Jim Gordon

Monday, October 1, 2012

Obama says Romney’s a better debater

President Obama says Mitt Romney is a “good debater” while he describes himself as “just ok.” ‘The president told an audience in Las Vegas that he hopes for a serious discussion on the economy and help for the middle class.

Under Questioning

Mitt and Barack
Have an upcoming date
To take center stage
And launch into debate.

Some say it’s time,
With tacks that are brass,
To talk about help
For the great middle class.

For the outcome, the voters
Must wait until later;
But Barack says that Mitt’s
A much better debater.

The media’s focus
From down on the floor
Will be centered on whom
Will have the best score.

But folks who must choose
Amid all the suspense
Just hope the debaters
Will make common sense.

  ©  2012  Jim Gordon